It doesn't hurt to expect the unexpected

What a wonderful week it's been for my little family. Livi is off from nursery for 2 weeks for spring break so we have been soaking up quality time with both kiddos. It has been amazing for me!!! I have loved every second and we just had a lovely couple of days with our good friends from Dubai. My heart always feels happy and full after spending time with amazing friends. Feeling fresh and so excited to do a blog post as it's been a couple of weeks since I haven't had a spare minute to sit down and do this (I'm sure you fellow Mama's can relate- the best kind of busy) 

So... it doesn't hurt to expect the unexpected, which is the title of my post today, stems from an experience we had about a year ago when we were traveling back to Florida for my little cousin's wedding. 

I was a little over 7 months pregnant with Ben, Livi was about 2 years and 5 months and we were super excited to watch her be a flower girl in the wedding, and I was excited to have a week with my family and off from work for spring break. We hadn't been back to Florida for a couple of years and I was looking forward to being reunited with everyone, watching my cousin get married and having some fun in the sun with my loved ones. 

As soon as school was finished, we left that same night so we could reach Florida in time for the wedding which was happening the very next day of us arriving. 
At the end of every term at school, we would always have a little celebration where parents bring in food and we all have a class party. I remember eating a little too much hummus one year and got pretty sick so I vowed to never again eat too much class party food. haha. 
However, this time, being pregnant and super hungry, I couldn't help myself so I ate quite a bit. We got home, made sure all was ready for the trip later that night, had a little nap and headed to the airport around 10pm. We took a taxi to the airport and the whole ride my stomach was doing turns. I was like- THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! As soon as we reached the airport, we get out of the taxi, Will gets our bags, Livi is holding onto my leg waiting to go into the airport and I look at Will and say "I'm gonna be sick." He said, "No you aren't" but before he could even finish his sentence- I threw up all over the side walk. Livi ran to Will and they both were looking at me with a mix of worry and 'what the hell is happening' written across their faces. I couldn't stop throwing up. 
Finally I stood upright and was like okay lets proceed and get on this airplane before I change my mind. 
The whole time feeling so so sick- We get on the plane and about 5 minutes before takeoff.. I look at Will again- "I'm gonna be sick." He hands me a barf bag (I'm sorry I know this is not the nicest post haha) and nothing happened but a cabin crew came up to me and noticed how sick I looked. She said, "Are you ok?" "Have you been sick before getting on the airplane?" Thankfully, I was cabin crew before so I knew I had to say "No" otherwise they would have looked into offloading me from the flight. So, I shook my head no and that was that. But good grief, it will forever go down as the worst flight I've been on to date. 7 months pregnant, getting up every 20 minutes to be sick for 16 hours straight. Thank my lucky stars that Will was traveling with me for this one, otherwise I don't know what I would have done. Luckily, it was all out of my system by the time we got to Florida and I was good to go for the wedding. 

Oh boy, it was unexpected and uncomfortable but again, there is no better medicine than being surrounded by loved ones. 

The wedding was beautiful- it lasted two days. My cousin married a beautiful girl, his high school sweet heart, and her family is from Cambodia. The first day, was the Cambodian wedding celebration. It was super cool to get to see a Cambodian wedding and all the beautiful dresses that were worn, traditions done, music played and love surrounding everyone. The second day, was the traditional Western Culture wedding celebration and that was so beautiful too. Livi was the flower girl on this day and she did a really great job, despite a pretty major temper tantrum about 5 minutes before she was supposed to start walking down the aisle. (again, expect the unexpected) which we did and bribed our tired, feisty, beautiful daughter with a lollipop. She walked down the aisle with that- it did the trick, but she proceeded to have a slight melt down after her 1 minute of glory was up and we had to take her back to her seat. :) I didn't quite see what happened but my uncle says she tripped once she got to the alter and that's what set her off, but I'm pretty sure she wanted to keep walking haha. Either way, she did put a smile of everyone's face. There is nothing more amazing than to see my loved ones so happy and to find their person. We all had such a fun time together, dancing, talking, laughing. What a memory it will be for me :) 
Despite the rocky start, It was a beautiful wedding, it was a beautiful week, it was a beautiful time in Florida with my beautiful family. 
Oh, and the flight home was ACE :) 

Can you spot the lollipop? 

Some swimming with Mimi and Emi

I wasn't done walking :(

Poor Livi girl haha

I love love

Old St. Augustine

My family 

My grandparents !!! I love you 

Happy Travels xoxo


  1. Thanks for enduring the trip to make the festivities. It wouldn’t have been the same without you, Livi, and Will!

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    2. Oh we wouldn't have missed it for the world! I was a beautiful week! Like I said, there is no better medicine than being surrounded by loved ones and we sure do love you all xoxo


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