

Girlfriends- having them is as important as breathing. You need them in life to survive to thrive. To vent. To adventure together. To support. To be there for. To have and to hold until the end of time. I almost believe the girlfriend bond can be more important than one you have with a boy/man because at the end of the day, your girlfriends are the ones that truly get you. love you. appreciate you and STAY. 

Girfriends- having them is as important as eating. They give us fuel. Keep us going. Help us get back on our feet after life brings us down. 

Girfriends- help us get over our first heartbreaks, wipe our tears away. Soul sisters- there for you for the rest of time- in all facets of life. 

Girfriends- they cry when you cry because they feel your pain. They cheer you on and you cheer them on when something happy comes their way. They love your kids because they come from you. and you love theirs because they come from them. 

Girfriends- the true ones anyway, you can call after years of not speaking and it's like you saw them yesterday. 

Some- you have throughout your entire life- from the time you were just a kid. 

Some come into your life along the journey of life, and they come to stay. Others come for just a period of time and that's ok. 

Hold onto all of the beautiful moments- hold them close to your heart and smile that you've gotten those friendships- even if the goodbyes along the way prove to be hard. 

As the saying goes, 'better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.' It applies to all. 

Thank you to my Girlfriends- the seasons, the reasons and the lifetimes. You mean the World to me, and you always will. I would not be who I am without you. Cheers to you and thank you for loving me. 

Girlfriends- having them is as important as ever. Treat them well, be kind and together, the World will be better. 



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