Introducing Sisterhood of the Traveling Moms
It is a New Year and a new fun hobby for this Mom of 2 gorgeous Littles. I have always throughly enjoyed traveling and writing so I thought why not conjoin the two and create a little 'me time' through this blog.
My name is Caelan. I am a born American but I refer to myself a lot as an 'international kid', as most of my life has been lived overseas. It has been such a gift to me to have been raised overseas from the time I was 10-18 years old. My parents were teachers and decided to head to Belgium to teach at international schools for what was supposed to be a couple of years. It ended up being 8 beautiful years spent learning from teachers from all around the world, peers from all around the world, and luckily got to travel all around the world at such a young age. It got in my blood- this love for travel. This love for diversity. This love for the world. What an experience!
So at 18, I went back to the States for college. Four years later, went right back overseas. A few months spent in Switzerland and flash forward to now and I am about to complete my 8th year in the United Arab Emirates! Wow! How fast it has gone too. I came to Dubai at 23 for my first 'real' job teaching English to colleagues at a waterpark. This was supposed be a year gig- which ended up turning into many more years of living in this beautiful country. I met my now husband, Will and we have 2 gorgeous kiddos- Livi who is 3 and Ben who is almost 8 months.
Having been so thankful for the experience my parents gave me, I want to share the same type of experience with our kiddos. I want them to travel. I want them to understand and appreciate different cultures, beliefs, places. I want them to create life long friends from all over this world. I want them to explore and not be afraid to do so. I want them to have an understanding and appreciation of the two countries their parents come from (America and England).
There is a quote that is going to be my Mommy Mantra and it goes, "There are two lasting bequests we can give our children: One of them is roots and the other, wings."
My husband and I had a joke going on between us when Livi was under 1 year old and it was that how ever many months she was at the time, is the same number of planes she had been on. So when she was 5 months she had been on 5 airplanes. When she was 10 months, she had been on 10 airplanes. etc. The funny part was, it was accurate. Ben is now in the same position. At 7 months, he has been on 7 planes. I can't even count how many Livi has been on now. This blog will be based around traveling with little kids- the good, the hard, the trying, the funny and the beautiful! I hope whoever reads, enjoys this and if nobody ends up reading, at least I'll have something to pull up and read with my kids and husband one day. xoxo
Looking forward to hearing all the adventures you and your lovely family get up to!!